5 Tips for Sticking to Your New Year’s Fitness Goals


Happy New Year! You know what that means, time to hit the gym! Unfortunately, history shows that the odds are not in our favor when it comes to keeping New Year’s resolutions. But that doesn’t have to be the case this year. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Have motivation AND dedicated. Motivation gets you started. It is often a goal you want to reach. An example would be losing 15 pounds before an upcoming beach vacation. But then what happens after it’s over? Dedication is long term. It’s being committed to showing up on a mundane Tuesday, even when you don’t feel like it. Dedication is what will take you past the initial motivation and create a long-lasting habit.

2. Find an accountability partner. You figured this would be one of them didn’t you? It’s so true though. The good news is that there are people whose career is dedicated to helping you stay on track. If you don’t have the money to spend on a coach or personal trainer there are even some good accountability apps out there. I know I know… I’m a millennial.

3. Make it fun. I’m not saying you don’t have to work hard. You have to get uncomfortable in order to see change. But if you hate running with every fiber in your being, then training for a marathon might not be the best idea. Instead try a spin class or ask a friend to meet you at the Barre. See what I did there?

4. Don’t get caught up in the comparison game. You might be using a 5lb dumbbell while the person beside you is using 20lbs. That’s OK! Everyone is on their own journey. Focus on yourself and celebrate your improvement along the way. The fact that you started at all is an achievement!

5. Give yourself grace. If last year taught us anything it is that life can change in an instant. Everyday is not going to go perfectly as planned. You might get thrown off course for a day or week. But don’t let a week turn into a month and a month turn into a year. Life happens, but don't use it as an excuse to give up on yourself.

Let’s get after it this year! Cheering you on!

With love,


Photos by Katelyn LeBlanc Photography. Thank you D1 Athens for the location and keeping me in shape!