About Me


 Hey there!


I’m Anna, a wife to my best friend and mom of two precious girls. I created this blog to share workouts, affordable everyday style, and daily life with you.

I met my husband, Jon, when we were 10 years old. I had the biggest crush on him in middle school and we started dating in high school. We got married in college, practically still babies, and had two babies of our own. Jadyn is 5 years old and way more stylish than me. She was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease shortly after her first birthday. I plan to share her health journey here in hopes to bring awareness and encouragement to others. Zoe is 2 years old and lives up to the meaning of her name, life. She is full of spunk and will undoubtedly grow up to be a world changer.

Why Grit to Grace? Because my life consist of both and I bet yours does too. From pushing through the next rep in a workout to fighting for the health of my daughter, I need grit. I also need a whole lot of grace and that comes from Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I hope this serves as a place of inspiration for you to live the best version of yourself. Thanks for stopping by!

Anna Richt