5 Tips to Stay Fit During the Holidays


One thing you probably know by now is that I love fitness. I also love the delicious treats and sweets that come with the Holidays, but I don’t love the extra calories. So how do I stay on track with my fitness goals while also enjoying the occasional peppermint mocha?

Here are a 5 easy ways to help you not completely blow it this Holiday season:
1. Make exercise a priority. It's so easy to put working out on the back burner during the busiest time of the year. One tip I often give is to exercise first thing in the morning so you can check it off your list.

2. Don’t keep junk food in the house. If you are at a Christmas party then by all means eat, drink, and be merry. I’m not saying don’t participate in the annual cookie swap. But once the party is over throw that junk away (or better yet give it away). You can’t eat it if it’s not there.

3. Do eat your veggies. Brussel sprouts, broccoli, carrots, beets, and cauliflower are all vegetables currently in season. Throw them on a backing sheet with a little olive oil and sea salt and roast them at 400 degrees until tender.

4. Have accountability. Ask a friend to meet you at the gym or park. Keep track of your daily caloric intake with an app like MyPlate. I know I sound biased here but we have a program called D1 Hybrid that is perfect for this time of year. It gives you a plan and a person in your corner every single day to help you stay on track.

5. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Chances are you are going to overindulged at some point. Don’t let a bad decision turn into a bad day and a bad day turn into a bad habit. Get back up make the healthy choice.

You can do this. Let’s finish this year strong. (talking to myself here)

FitnessAnna RichtFitness