A Recap of 2019 and Goals for 2020

Jadyn’s dress / Zoe’s outfit / Jon’s shirt (My dress is no longer available)

Jadyn’s dress / Zoe’s outfit / Jon’s shirt (My dress is no longer available)

Let me tell you, 2019 was a doozy. It began with A LOT of unknowns. As in what’s the next job, the next move (literally), or the next step. And then there was Jadyn. The same time things were ending in Miami her doctor told us that the medication wasn’t working and we didn’t have a lot of options. It felt like a cruel joke. So many hard things were happening at once. I knew God had a plan but I was praying for something to give.

And then it did. 

We moved back to our hometown and were welcomed into a community of family and friends. Jon “randomly” got connected with his now business partner and they are set to open a training facility this coming spring. We have seen Jon more this year than we have in the last 5 years combined. And a recent scan showed no active disease in my child’s colon. I cried. A lot. 

Oh yeah and I decided to start an Instagram page that has evolved into this blog. I’ve connected with YOU amazing people! I love hearing that I’ve been able to help you with workout and/or style ideas. Good grief, ya’ll. This alone is a miracle because I was scarred by the internet after being a coaches’ wife. 

2019 reminded me that the hard things are often the very things that refine us and make us better. They make us brave and give birth to new dreams. And once again God has proven Himself faithful.

For I am about to do something new.

    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?

I will make a pathway through the wilderness.

    I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19

With this year coming to a close here are some goals for 2020:

  1. Grow. I always want to grow in my faith and as a person. I also want to grow my business and learn new things.

  2. Be intentional with my marriage. This coming year already has some big events on the calendar and I know we will be hustling to stay on top of everything. It will be so important to recognize when it’s time for Jon and I to step away, put down our phones, and just be us.

  3. Learn some new recipes. We eat pretty healthy, but I feel like we repeat a couple recipes and don’t branch out much. Most dinners consist of grilled chicken, brussel sprouts, and quinoa. If you have any easy healthy ones send them my way!

I’m looking forward to this coming year and have a feeling it’s going to be an exciting one.

2020, let’s do this!

Thank you Kristin Benton for capturing these sweet photos of our family.