10 Hospital Must-Haves


Since we are currently sitting in a hospital room right now I am writing this one from first hand experience. I wrote a similar blog post on gift ideas for someone staying in the hospital a few months ago. A couple of the items may overlap but this one is geared towards someone who is packing for themselves. Here are my top 10 hospital must-haves:

1. Comfy clothes

My top picks: Barefoot Dreams cardigan, comfy T-shirt, Amazon leggings, memory foam tennis shoes.

*Jadyn wears a hospital gown the whole time so I don’t pack clothes for her except for an outfit to go home in.

2. Extra long charging cord

This is especially helpful when Jadyn wants to watch a movie on her IPad in a hospital bed. You can click the picture or find it here.

3. portable charger

This is along the same line as an extra long cord but comes in handy when there isn’t an outlet available. I am constantly on my phone keeping family and friends updated so this has saved the when my battery is low. This is the one I use.

4. Headphones

I’ve been loving these airpods. You can find Jadyn’s here.

5. Dry shampoo

Jadyn is typically bed bound and I avoid using hospital showers if at all possible. We use dry shampoo to buy us a couple days. My favorite is this one.

6. cloth duffel bag

The benefit of using a cloth duffel bags is you can throw it into the washing machine when you get home. Think Vera Bradley or something similar.


Screen time goes WAY up because there’s a lot of sitting around. I noticed my eyes started hurting so I asked the gram for some blue light glasses recommendations. A few of the responses: Quay, Klassy, Nectar

8. Noise Blocker

It is helpful to have some sort of noise blocker during the night due to beeping machines and nurses coming in and out. I use this free white noise app on my phone. Ear plugs are also a good idea.

9. Pillow

Hospital pillows aren’t the most supportive so I highly recommend bringing your own. This is the one I use.

10. Favorite SNACKS

I always have snacks on hand because the hospital schedule will be all over the place. You might be able to grab lunch at the cafeteria or you might have to skip it depending on the day. You don’t have to bring water because they usually have a crushed ice and water machine available for parents. Some of my go-to snacks: Luna bars, bananas, dove chocolates.

Other things to consider:


Toiletries. Like I said I avoid showering at the hospital if at all possible but I still pack a toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, and deodorant. They typically have most of the basics on hand should you be admitted unexpectedly.

Pajamas. Some people are fine just sleeping in their comfy clothes but I like to change into pajamas. These are my favorite.

Honestly I hope you don’t find yourself in the hospital at all, but you can alway refer back to this should you need to!

