We're Having A Baby

We are so excited to share that Baby #3 is on the way! It looks like Santa’s not the only one coming to town this year because we are due on Christmas Day!

This first trimester has been a DOOZY which is why I’ve been pretty MIA lately. What energy I do have has not been put towards posting on social media, so I wanted to give a little recap of my pregnancy so far.

I found out I was pregnant very early around 3 weeks. We were trying so I was on the lookout for any familiar pregnancy symptoms. My first clue is usually a heightened sense of smell, but this time it was when my tastebuds seemed off. Then one day I walked into the house and the trash smelled terrible, so I decided to take a pregnancy test. I expected it to be too early for a positive result but sure enough I was reading the word “pregnant” a few minutes later. 

I waited all day until Jon got home to tell him. I put the pregnancy test in an Amazon package on the kitchen counter and when he got home I told him to open it. He was shocked and so excited that his eyes welled up with happy tears! We waited to tell the girls until school was out for the summer because I wasn’t sure that they could keep a secret. I knew they would go to school and tell everyone and we weren’t quite ready to announce it to the world! They are beyond excited to have a baby brother or sister joining our family. 

I felt great for the first few weeks other than being a little extra tired. I thought I finally landed a dream pregnancy with no sickness. Boy was I overconfident. As soon as I hit 6 weeks the symptoms came on strong. I’ve had nausea, vomiting, dizziness, a constant weird taste in my mouth, teary eyes, and super sore boobs just to name a few. I’ve always had the opposite of morning sickness and instead get really sick in the evenings. I’ve got to give major credit to Jon for having worked all day and then came home to make dinner, put the girls to bed, and clean up the house while I was either hovered over the toilet or curled up in the fetal position. Needless to say it’s been a bit of a challenging first trimester but so so worth it! I’m so grateful for this little miracle growing inside of me and we can’t wait to take you along with us on this journey!